• How to Make Vet Visits a More Pleasant Experience for Your Pet

    Does your pet dislike visiting the vet? These tips may make visits less stressful.

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  • How to Make Your Rescue Pet Feel Comfortable in Your Home

    Planning to welcome a new dog? These suggestions will help your rescue pet adjust to a new home.

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  • How to Pet-Proof Your Home

    Is your home safe for your pet?

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  • How to Prevent Motion Sickness in Pets

    Does your pet suffer from motion sickness? Find out how to treat the problem.

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  • How to Take Care of Your Pet's Nails

    Many pets dislike having their feet touched and their nails trimmed. Owners worry that they may hurt their pets especially if the pet struggles when having their nails cut. This is probably why many owners take their pets to their veterinarians or groomers to have this done. If you are thinking of trimming

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  • How to Tell A Pet's Age from Its Teeth

    How old is your pet? Taking a look at your furry friend's mouth can provide some clues.

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  • How to Tell When Your Cat Is Sick

    Not sure if your cat is sick? Take a look at these signs.

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  • How to Treat Common Injuries in Your Dog

    Would you know what to do if your dog was injured?

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  • How to Treat Common Paw Problems in Dogs

    Have you noticed a change in your dog's paws? One of these paw problems may be to blame.

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  • Human vs Pet Medications: Why You Should Never Share Medicine with Your Pets

    Could your medications harm your pets?

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  • Hypothyroidism

    Hypothyroidism is the natural deficiency of thyroid hormone and is the most common hormone imbalance of dogs. This deficiency is produced by several different mechanisms. The most common cause (at least 95% of cases) is immune destruction of the thyroid gland. It can also be caused by natural atrophy

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  • Identifying Dementia in Senior Dogs

    Have you noticed changes in your older dog's behavior?

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  • Internet Reunites Lost Pets and Owners

    Everyone loves the amazing stories of dogs and cats who travel long distances to find their way back home or even locate their owners in a new city. Unfortunately, these happy tales are the rare exception to the rule. For every pet that makes it back after leaving, there are tens of thousands who

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  • Introducing Your First

    Pets aren't the only ones who need a little (or a lot) of help adjusting to life with a newborn. No matter how much you plan ahead, the addition of a new family member may be difficult for your pet. Remember, your dog or cat was your first "baby" and is used to being the center of your attention. So

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  • Introducing a New Pet to Your Current Ones

    Are you considering adding another furry companion to your family? If so, have you thought about how your new pet will interact with your current ones? Introducing a new pet into the family is always exciting, but it’s important to make sure that the pets you already have are prepared for the new addition.

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  • Introductions

    Bringing an animal home to become a member of your family is certainly an exciting time. However, you want to be careful when your new cat or dog first meets your kids. Here are a few of our best tips on how to introduce new pets to children in a way that fosters a bond from the very start. Have Plenty

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